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Five Intentional Ways to Help a Mother.

Updated: May 10

By Norma Huxter

Do you know a mom that could use some extra care, but you just know she’s not able to give it to herself right now?

Maybe there’s a single mom in your neighborhood or one that sits across the church; maybe there’s a mom whose husband works away, maybe there’s a mom who is sick.

For any mom you know who may be struggling, here are a few suggestions that you can offer to her that may help to lighten her load a little today:

Offer to watch her child.

Do this free of charge, so that she can get out of the house without worrying. If she needs time at home alone, maybe offer to take her child to the park. Ask her what will serve her best on that particular day. The consideration alone will help to lighten a heavy heart.

Provide a meal.

Ask what kind of food her and her household enjoy and deliver it. Or, invite them over to your space. This action will not only provide a meal that she doesn’t have to prepare but she also won’t have to worry about the clean up.

Support her kids!

Go and watch a soccer game or a dance recital. Buy chocolate bars or bath bombs or whatever they are using as a fundraiser for their activities. Having someone love on her kids who doesn’t have to will do more for her than you will ever know.

Show up with coffee and a helping hand.

Help fold laundry, wash dishes, or take out the trash. Help to lessen the burden of today for her. Practical help, while it may be hard to accept, could mean that she will have time to read a story at bedtime with her little one.

Mail a gift card and note.

Let her know you are thinking about her. The gift card could be for anywhere: a grocery store, a gas card, a coffee shop, a department store. The possibilities are endless with this one.

I think the key here is to be intentional with what you offer. Let’s stop with the “let me know if you need anything.” Most people will never reach out and ask when they do need something.

How about we try, “Hi! Just thinking about you. What can I do today to make your life easier?” “I’m heading to the supermarket, what can I pick up for you while I’m there?” Or “I’m heading out for a walk. Would you like to join me? We can take your kids to the park if you like!”

Whatever you offer, give it with a genuine heart. It is such a gift to be able to help a struggling soul, to be able to lighten someone’s load, to make them feel loved. There is no greater gift we can give.

This article was originally published in the 2022 Spring issue.

[Spring 2022 • Pages 116-117 of Our Story Magazine • Issue No.2]
[Spring 2022 • Pages 116-117 of Our Story Magazine • Issue No.2]

Norma Huxter is a mom, nurse, health and wellness coach, backyard farmer, and outdoor enthusiast. She has a passion for empowering women from all backgrounds, a desire to see those living with trauma be restored, and a mission to help all who desire to live their happiest, healthiest life. She believes that what our world needs to see and feel is love in action, not just in word. Norma lives in Northern Canada with her lovely daughter, and two rescue dogs. You can find her somewhere enjoying the fresh air, creating and eating good food, or curled up at home, where she loves to be most of all.

Instagram: @normahuxter


Our Story Magazine—Hope and Inspiration for Seasons of Life and Grace is a seasonal, premium print, and digital publication. 100% contributor content includes photography, inspirational fiction, poetry, journal prompts, practical life application articles, recipes, projects, gift ideas, plus featured women in small business.

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This article was originally published in the 2022 Spring issue.


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